Once upon a time, in a land far far away, an aspiring author began following blogs of friends, other writers, and publishing people she deemed important. Before long, the author was completely snowed under with unread blog posts, and one day, she got tired of logging into Google Reader and seeing that she had 596 unread posts.
Well, that author is now self-published, and needs to start building relationships with other writers who have successful blogs so she can be taken seriously and get some readership going. So she is giving Google Reader another chance. She logged in today, since it’s the day before Thanksgiving and there’s not much going on at the office, unsubscribed from all the long-since-defunct blogs she used to follow, marked all the old posts from the blogs she wants to keep following as read (so she can start from scratch) and added a few new ones from some of her tweeps:
- Melissa Ecker @MelissaEcker a romance writer with whom I have twitterpated.
- Tymothy Longoria @tymothylongoria a writer I have no idea how I met
- Tonya @tmycann whose blog I just found today, and it’s awesome
And I am hoping to add more. If you have one you think is really really ridiculously good-looking or just mega interesting, drop me a comment and I’ll start following you, but not in real life.
Shit. I switched from 3rd to 1st person. Oh well, you knew the author was me, anyway.
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