… and believe it or not, it’s not the first time.
My BFFF created a fan club for my authorisms on Facebook if you’re into joining the fun.
Interestingly enough, I once had a Facebook fan club way back in college. I have no idea how it started, but it became a thing and I eventually dissolved the group due to the fact that I no longer interacted with any of the people in it. This time, however, the fan club is run by someone other than myself, so it will actually be a legitimate fan club and shit.
Maybe there will even be a P.O. Box so you can send fANthrax mail.
I have a fan club! http://t.co/VA8FblCIM8
RT @KellyHitchcock: I have a fan club (for not the first time, oddly)! #MondayBlogs http://t.co/VA8FblCIM8
@KellyHitchcock @10minnovelist Congratulations!
RT @KellyHitchcock: I have a fan club! http://t.co/VA8FblCIM8