Welcome back to my 6-sentence snippet series from my book, Portrait of Woman in Ink: A Tattoo Storybook. Over the next 9 weeks, I will be sharing with you snippet from each chapter. (Click here to see last week’s snippet)
Today we meet Jody, a woman with three kids who’s putting herself through nursing school so she can leave her husband. In this scene, she reflects on the foot tattoo she got for good luck.
Jody rubbed her temples, knowing this would be the most peaceful moment she’d likely experience that day. They were right in the middle of clinical rotations, eight hours of nonstop chasing after the floor nurses, asking as many questions as you could and trying to keep up. Her floor nurse was just over five feet tall and weighed over 200 pounds but was harder to keep up with than all three of her spastic children combined.
But, she figured, it came with the territory of being part of a degree program that had “accelerated” at the beginning of the name. She needed accelerated; she’d already wasted seven years getting a mostly useless Bachelor’s degree in history, in which time she’d managed to punch out three kids and marry a husband who was about as useless as her degree.
It was why she’d gotten the golden koi tattooed on her right foot when she found out she’d been accepted to the program.
That’s all for today! Be sure to check out some of the other talented people over at www.SixSunday.com, and come back to visit next week!